NTSE Scholarship 2024 Registration: The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is an annual national level exam conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training. The exam is exclusively for students studying in class 10. The exam is conducted in two stages – Stage 1 and Stage 2. While Stage 1 is conducted at the state level, Stage 2 is conducted at the national level.
For NTSE Scholarship 2024 Registration, the purpose of NTSE is to identify and recognize talented students across the country and provide them with scholarships to continue their education in the Science and Social Studies streams. The scholarship amount is awarded on a monthly basis and is meant to cover the educational expenses of the students.

NTSE Scholarship 2024 Registration
Scholarship From | National Council of Educational Research and Training |
Last Date to Apply | Exam held on May 24, 23, and 22 |
Official Website | ncert.nic.in |
Contact Details | Phone Number: 011-26560464 Email: [email protected] |
In this blog post, we will discuss the online application process for NTSE, which is the first step towards appearing for the exam. We will cover the eligibility criteria for the exam, the online application process, important dates to remember, the exam pattern and syllabus, and preparation tips.
The aim of this blog post is to provide students with all the necessary information required to successfully apply for the NTSE exam and achieve their dream of continuing their education with a scholarship.
NTSE Scholarship Eligibility
To appear for the NTSE Scholarship Exam 2024 as regular students, candidates must fulfill the following eligibility criteria for each stage:
For Stage 1:
- The candidate must be below 18 years of age as of July 1, 2024.
- The candidate should be studying in class 10th from any recognized government or private school in India.
For Stage 2:
- The candidate must have successfully cleared Stage 1 of the NTSE exam.
- The candidate must have secured a minimum of 80% marks or equivalent grade in the previous annual examination of class 10th from a recognized board.
It is important for candidates to fulfill all the eligibility criteria before applying for the NTSE exam. Candidates who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
For Open and Distance Learning Applicants
For Open and Distance Learning applicants, the eligibility criteria for the NTSE Scholarship Exam 2024 are as follows:
- The applicant should be under 18 years of age as of July 1, 2024.
- The applicant should be a full-time student and not engaged in any kind of employment.
- The aspirant should be appearing for the class 10th examination for the first time.
It is important to note that Open and Distance Learning applicants need to fulfill these eligibility criteria to be eligible to appear for the NTSE exam.
Additionally, these candidates need to score a minimum of 60% marks in their previous class 9th annual examination to be eligible for the Stage 1 of the exam. If they qualify for Stage 1, they will need to meet the Stage 2 eligibility criteria as well.
For Indian residents who are studying abroad
For Indian residents who are studying abroad, the eligibility criteria for the National Talent Search Exam 2024 are as follows:
- The applicant must be an Indian National.
- If the aspirant is pursuing class 10th or equivalent, then he/she is directly eligible for Stage 2.
- The applicant must have scored a minimum of 60% marks in class IX final exams.
- The applicant must opt for an examination center located in India.
- The applicant must make a request with the institution he/she is studying at along with the attested class IX mark sheet at the Authority of Educational Survey Division, NCERT.
- The applicant is eligible for the scholarship only if he/she continues his/her further studies from India.
It is important to note that Indian residents studying abroad need to fulfill these eligibility criteria to be eligible to appear for the NTSE exam.
Additionally, they do not need to appear for Stage 1 and are directly eligible for Stage 2. However, they need to provide a certified copy of their class 9th transcript before December 31, 2023, to the head of the NCERT’s Educational Survey Division.
NTSE Scholarship Documents
When applying for the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE), candidates need to ensure that they have all the required documents. These documents are necessary for the application process and should be kept ready before filling out the form. The list of documents required for NTSE 2024 is as follows:
- A recent colored photograph that is not more than 6 months old from the date of form filling.
- The photograph should have a dark background, and the candidate should not wear any goggles or makeup.
- Hair must be properly tied, and the photograph should be clicked in the school uniform.
- Indian nationals do not need to produce any document along with the application form.
- However, students of Indian origin who are studying in class 10 from abroad need to prove their Indian citizenship.
It is important to note that all the documents should be original and not tampered with. Candidates must ensure that they have all the documents before they start filling out the application form for NTSE.
NTSE Scholarship Apply Online 2024
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) scholarship:
- Visit the official website of NCERT for your respective State or Union Territory.
- On the homepage of the website, search for the “NTSE” option and click on it.
- A new page will open where you will have to fill up the application form with your personal and academic details, such as your name, address, school name, etc.
- Upload all of the required documents, such as your photograph, signature, and class 9 mark sheet.
- Pay the application fee, which varies depending on your State or Union Territory.
- Submit the form and download the duly filled application form.
- Print the application form and submit it to your school along with the required documents.
- Your school will then forward your application form to the concerned authorities.
By following these steps, you can successfully apply for the NTSE scholarship.
list of State-wise official links for NTSE
Here is the complete list of State-wise official links for NTSE:
State | Official Website |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | http://education.andaman.gov.in/ntse.html |
Andhra Pradesh | http://www.bseap.org/ |
Arunachal Pradesh | https://www.arpedu.in/ |
Assam | http://madhyamik.assam.gov.in/ |
Bihar | http://scertbihar.co.in/ |
Chandigarh | http://www.siechd.nic.in/ |
Chhattisgarh | http://www.scert.cg.gov.in/ |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | https://dnh.nic.in/departments-and-offices/education-department/ |
Daman and Diu | https://daman.nic.in/departments/education-department/ |
Delhi | http://www.edudel.nic.in/ |
Goa | https://scert.goa.gov.in/ |
Gujarat | http://sebexam.org/ |
Haryana | http://scertharyana.gov.in/ |
Himachal Pradesh | http://himachalservices.nic.in/ |
Jammu and Kashmir | http://jkbose.jk.gov.in/ |
Jharkhand | http://jac.jharkhand.gov.in/ |
Karnataka | https://www.kseeb.kar.nic.in/ |
Kerala | https://www.scert.kerala.gov.in/ |
Lakshadweep | https://lakshadweep.gov.in/departments/education/ |
Madhya Pradesh | http://www.mponline.gov.in/ |
Maharashtra | https://www.mscepune.in/ |
Manipur | https://manipureducation.gov.in/ |
Meghalaya | http://megeducation.gov.in/dert/ |
Mizoram | https://schooleducation.mizoram.gov.in/ |
Nagaland | https://www.scertnagaland.org/ |
Odisha | https://scertodisha.nic.in/ |
Puducherry | https://schooledn.puducherry.gov.in/ |
Punjab | http://www.ssapunjab.org/ |
Rajasthan | http://www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
Sikkim | https://sikkimhrdd.org/ |
Tamil Nadu | https://www.dge.tn.gov.in/ |
Telangana | https://www.bse.telangana.gov.in/ |
Tripura | https://scert.tripura.gov.in/ |
Uttar Pradesh | http://www.examregulatoryauthorityup.in/ |
Uttarakhand | https://schooleducation.uk.gov.in/ |
West Bengal | https://wbsed.gov.in/wbsed/ |
NTSE Scholarship Exam Structure
The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a scholarship exam conducted in India to identify and nurture talented students. The exam paper consists of two parts – the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Mental Ability Test (MAT).
The SAT section consists of 100 questions in total, with 20 questions from Mathematics and 40 questions each from Science and Social Science. The MAT section also consists of 100 questions.
The duration of both the SAT and MAT sections is two hours each. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers, and each correct answer carries one mark.
Applicants who qualify in both the SAT and MAT exams will be considered separately for merit. The selection of the eligible applicant for the scholarship will be based on their total marks in both exams.
It is important to note that the NTSE exam is highly competitive and requires thorough preparation and practice. Applicants are advised to study and revise their subjects thoroughly before appearing for the exam.
NTSE Scholarship Exam Pattern
here’s a tabular column summarizing the NTSE exam pattern:
Test Name | Subjects | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Allocated Time |
MAT | Aptitude Test | 100 | 100 | 2 hours |
SAT | Science, Social Science, Math’s | 100 | 100 | 2 hours |
The exam paper is divided into two parts – MAT and SAT. Both parts have 100 questions each with a maximum score of 100. The MAT section tests the student’s aptitude, while the SAT section covers Science, Social Science, and Mathematics.
The duration of each part is two hours, and there is no negative marking. The selection of scholarship winners is based on the total marks obtained in both the MAT and SAT sections.
NTSE Scholarship Syllabus
The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Apply Online Syllabus for Verbal Reasoning and other topics is given below:
Syllabus for NTSE Apply Online: Verbal Reasoning |
Analogy |
Classification |
Series |
Coding-Decoding |
Direction Sense Test |
Mathematical operations |
Inserting a missing character |
Series completion test |
Logical Venn diagrams |
Analytical reasoning |
Verification of truth of the statement |
Blood Relations |
Arithmetical reasoning test |
Problems on clocks |
This syllabus includes topics such as analogy, classification, series, coding-decoding, direction sense test, mathematical operations, inserting a missing character, series completion test, logical Venn diagrams, analytical reasoning, verification of the truth of the statement, blood relations, arithmetical reasoning test, and problems on clocks.
Non-Verbal Reasoning syllabus of NTSE:
Non-Verbal Reasoning Syllabus |
Incomplete Figures |
Analytical Reasoning |
Transparent paper folding |
Classification |
Folding Paper Cutting |
Water images |
Embedded figure |
Series |
Problems on cubes and dice |
Dot fixing situation |
Analogy |
NTSE SAT Science Syllabus
The SAT Science Syllabus for the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) includes topics from Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Here are the topics that are covered:
Topic | Description |
The Universe | Stars, Planets, Satellites, Solar System, Comets |
Sound | Characteristics, Propagation, Reflection, Echoes |
Reproduction | Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, Human Reproduction |
Motion and Force | Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Friction, Newton’s Laws |
Measurement | Units, Errors, Measurements of Length, Mass, Time, and Volume |
Life Processes | Respiration, Photosynthesis, Nutrition, Excretion |
Food Production & Management | Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture |
Cellular Level of Organization | Cell Theory, Structure, Function, Division, Tissues |
Acids Bases and Salts | Properties, Uses, Indicators, pH Scale |
Work and Energy | Forms of Energy, Work, Power, Energy Transformation |
Structure of Atom | Particles, Atomic Number, Isotopes, Electronic Configuration |
Some Common Diseases | Causes, Symptoms, Treatment |
Periodic Classification of Elements | Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, Modern Periodic Table |
Micro-Organisms | Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Algae |
Magnetic & Electricity at Work | Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Electric Motors |
Human Body | Digestive System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System |
Carbon and its Compound | Bonding, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Polymers |
Water | Properties, Sources, Uses, Pollution Control |
Sound of Energy | Sources, Characteristics, Uses, Effects |
Soil | Formation, Properties, Types, Conservation |
Metals & Non-Metals | Physical and Chemical Properties, Extraction, Refining |
Light | Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Optical Instruments |
Heredity and Evolution | Mendelian Inheritance, Sex Determination, Origin of Life, Fossils |
Diversity in Living Organisms | Classification, Structural Organization, Adaptation, Evolution |
Remember that this is based on past year’s syllabus, and it might get updated when the official syllabus for NTSE is published.
NTSE Social Science Syllabus for SAT
Social Science Syllabus for SAT |
Water Resources |
Indian Constitution |
French Revolution |
UN and International Agencies |
The Judiciary |
Nationalism in Various Countries |
The Delhi Sultanate |
Internal Structure of the Earth and Rocks |
Indus Valley Civilization |
Local and State Government |
Eighteenth Century Political Formation |
Diversity and Livelihood |
British Raj |
Agriculture |
World History |
Solar System |
Medieval Architecture and Culture |
Popular Movements and Social Reforms |
Vedic Period |
The Mughal Empire |
Resources and Development |
Industrial Revolution |
Indian Economics |
Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History |
Early Medieval Period |
Culture, Science and Literature |
Atmosphere |
The Mauryas |
Union Government |
Natural Vegetation |
Population |
New Empires and Kingdoms |
Motion of the Earth |
Jainism, Buddhism and Conquerors from Distant Lands |
Indian Freedom Struggle Industries |
Early States |
Democracy and Elections |
Biosphere |
NTSE SAT Maths Syllabus
Here’s the SAT Maths Syllabus for NTSE in tabular column format:
Syllabus |
Number System |
Playing with Number |
Rational Numbers |
Exponent |
Algebraic Expressions |
Linear Equation |
Quadratic Equations |
Arithmetic |
Arithmetic Progressions |
Coordinate Geometry |
Basic Geometry |
Surface Areas and Volume |
Trigonometry |
Probability |
Simple & Compound Interest |
Percentage & Its Application |
Direct & Inverse Variations |
Mensuration |
Square & Cube Roots |
NTSE Scholarship Admit Card 2024
To download the NTSE admit card, follow the steps given below:
- Visit the official website of NCERT and go to the NTSE section.
- Look for the link to download the admit card.
- Enter your valid application number and date of birth in the required fields.
- Once you submit the details, the NTSE admit card will appear on the screen.
- Check the important details mentioned on the card carefully.
- Download and take a printout of the admit card.
- In case of any errors or discrepancies on the admit card, contact the school administration immediately.
NTSE Scholarship Admit Card
The NTSE Scholarship 2024 admit card will contain several important details that candidates must verify before appearing for the exam. These details include the candidate’s name, roll number, date of birth, signature, and photo. The admit card will also provide information about the exam date, time, and venue, which will help candidates plan their travel accordingly.
It is crucial that candidates carefully review their admit cards and ensure that all information is correct. Any discrepancies or errors should be reported immediately to the concerned authorities to avoid any complications during the exam. Additionally, the admit card will also contain important exam day instructions that candidates should follow to avoid any issues during the exam.
NTSE Scholarship 2023 Results
here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) online:
- Visit the official website of your respective State/Union Territory Education Board.
- Look for the NTSE application link and click on it.
- Read all the instructions carefully before proceeding with the application process.
- Fill in all the necessary details in the application form, such as personal information, educational qualifications, etc.
- Upload the required documents such as photograph and signature in the prescribed format and size.
- Pay the application fee through the available payment modes (online or offline).
- Verify all the details entered in the application form before submitting it.
- Click on the submit button to complete the application process.
- After the submission of the application, take a printout of the confirmation page and keep it safe for future reference.
Note: The application process and requirements may differ slightly from state to state, so it’s important to check the specific guidelines provided by your State/Union Territory Education Board.
NTSE Scholarship Answer Key 2024
The NTSE Scholarship 2024 answer key will contain all the correct answers to the questions asked in the examination. The answer key will be available on the official website of the exam conducting body.
It is usually released around a month after the exam date. Candidates can check the answer key to estimate their score in the exam. If a candidate finds any incorrect response to a question, they can raise an objection as per the guidelines mentioned in the official notification. We will update this section with the latest information once the official announcement is released.
NTSE Scholarship 2024 Apply Online Year Cutoff Marks Details
The qualifying marks for the NTSE Scholarship exam vary based on the category of the candidate. For candidates belonging to the General category, they must score a minimum of 40% in each paper to qualify for the scholarship.
Whereas, candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH categories must score a minimum of 35% in each paper to qualify for the scholarship. These cutoff marks are determined based on the total number of candidates appearing for the exam and the difficulty level of the exam.
The previous year’s cutoff marks can be used as a reference to get an idea about the expected cutoff marks for the current year.
NTSE Scholarship Reservation Criteria
The NTSE Scholarship has reservation criteria based on categories, which are as follows:
- Scheduled Caste (SC): 15% reservation quota
- Scheduled Tribe (ST): 7.5% reservation quota
- Other Backward Class (OBC): 27% reservation quota
- Physically Challenged group of students: 4% reservation quota
This reservation quota is applicable to all stages of the NTSE Scholarship, from the state-level exam to the national-level exam. Candidates belonging to these reserved categories will be given relaxation in the qualifying marks, as per the guidelines set by the NCERT.
NTSE Scholarship Benefits
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) offers a range of benefits and rewards to deserving students who are shortlisted after attempting all levels. Currently, only the top 2000 students are eligible for this award, and the NTSE Scholarship merit list is prepared by NCERT. The benefits and rewards for the scholarship are as follows:
- Higher Secondary level – Students studying in Class 11th and 12th will receive INR 1,250 per month.
- Undergraduates and Postgraduates – Students pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate programs will receive INR 2,000 per month.
- Ph.D. students – Ph.D. students who are awarded the scholarship will receive as per UGC norms for 4 years.
These benefits and rewards are meant to motivate students to excel in academics and encourage them to pursue higher education.
Contact Information
For further information or queries related to the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE), interested candidates can contact the authorities through the following channels:
Phone Number: 011-26560464
Email: [email protected]
These channels can be used to clarify any doubts or seek additional information about the NTSE exam, application process, eligibility, syllabus, admit card, result, and scholarship. The authorities are generally prompt in their response and are happy to assist candidates in their NTSE journey.
The NTSE scholarship is a prestigious scholarship offered to deserving students who qualify for the exam at different levels. It provides financial assistance to the students to pursue their education without any financial burden.
Students studying in Class 10th in recognized schools are eligible to apply for the NTSE scholarship.
Students can apply for the NTSE exam online by visiting the official website of NCERT and following the steps provided in the application process.
The NTSE exam syllabus consists of topics covered in Class 9th and 10th for MAT and SAT. The MAT section assesses the mental ability of the students, while the SAT section assesses their knowledge in Science, Maths, and Social Science.
The NTSE exam consists of two papers – MAT and SAT. Both papers contain 100 multiple choice questions each, and the exam duration is 2 hours for each paper.
The qualifying marks for the NTSE scholarship are 40% for general category students and 35% for SC/ST/PH category students in each paper.
The NTSE scholarship exam is conducted at two levels – Stage 1 and Stage 2. Stage 1 is conducted at the state/UT level in November, while Stage 2 is conducted at the national level in May.
Students can check their NTSE scholarship exam results by visiting the official website of the respective state/UT and entering their roll number and date of birth.
The NTSE scholarship holders receive financial assistance based on their level of education. The amount ranges from INR 1250 per month for higher secondary level students to INR 2000 per month for undergraduate and postgraduate level students.
For any queries or support related to the NTSE scholarship, students can contact the NCERT through their phone number – 011-26560464 or email – [email protected].
ONGC Scholarship 2024 Apply Online Eligibility Last Date